Monday, August 29, 2011

Title: Amazon provides the digital brochure with single Kindle

Body: Amazon has announced an exciting new addition to the range of products on its e-reading platform.

'Kindle Singles' are in fact Kindle books, which one are much shorter than full size publications. As a document, the 10,000 to 30,000 words or about 30 to 90 pages is characteristic of Amazon Kindle single. This is the electronic equivalent of works such as novels, Volksbücher, brochures, and extended magazine articles.

GA_googleFillSlotWithSize (HELAD_publishercode, "articleatfmiddlearticle300x250", 300, 250); Kindle singles are available on the Kindle store, but will have dedicated their own section. Details of the pricing structure are still unknown, but the price is expected to well below that of the normal price of a book full size be. Kindle DX will be the Kindle, Kindle 3 G, IOS, iPod touch, iPhone, Mac, PC, BlackBerry and Android-based devices compatible with Kindle singles.

The announcement from Amazon is considered an exciting opportunity for authors of all backgrounds to make their excursion into the world of publishing. The only Kindle format opens up a whole new market for authors, which would have can get shorter pieces of writing published previously not and would not had the time in books to write. The opportunity is now available for researchers, scientists, academics, business people, and many more publish to start shorter pieces of writing. The format is perfectly suited for written publications such as essays, business lessons, academic studies and scientific arguments.

Amazon intended, make it easy for anyone to publish their work on Kindle singles. In a statement, Amazon said:

"All right holders can the popular Kindle digital text platform (DTP) themselves publish work in the Kindle store and these include (sic) single Kindle."

The company has also confirmed that they intend to, the same use royalty free divided on singles, as she published for other works of DTP. Authors currently receive 70% of net sales on books costs between $2.99 and $9.99.

Produce the amount of time for the kind of material suited for Kindle single will create significantly reduced, when compared to a standard book, which means that many authors may be, and publish a much greater volume of content output. Also, many readers are likely to find more accessible and easier the new succinct format. Many authors are expected to use the singles Kindle format to publish works that otherwise make it in conventional. The format can also be used, samples or help advance increase chapters in books, to sales on the finished work.

It seems that authors of all backgrounds have welcomed the news with enthusiasm, as the possibilities are virtually limitless. Some critics argued that this simply is a further blow to the traditional print media, but most analysts seem to agree that this is rather presented as a new means of generating revenue for authors.

Sources: s-to-bring-novellas-chapbooks-and-pamphlets-to s r Eaders /.

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